Product details of LiverPro 2.0 Detoxification No Fasting No Hunger (RED)
LiverPro 2.0, the liver & Gallbladder detoxification, plays an important role to enhance the liver and gallbladder funcitons. It is described as the health activator because the detoxification removes the accumalted toxins and fats from the body, reduces the burden in the liver, bring health and yourthfulness back on track.
Combined with Oxy-Act and Oxy-Xan, LiverPro 2.0 simplifies the overall detoxificaiton prosedures. Without the needs of drinking big glass of olive oil, and big glass of sour lemon juice, now everyone can detox easily, anytime, anywhere convenient to all your needs!
Oxy-Act is made according to a technology deveoped by NASA for the purpose of releasing oxygen in our body. During LiverPro 2.0 detoxification, Oxy-Act steadily releases oxygen in our body, thus triggering toxins decoomposition. Most importantly, it also relaxes the hepatic ducts and the bile ducts, preventing any discomfort condition such as stones clog in the ducts during the removing process.
LiverPro2.0 净肝宝 深层肝胆排毒 ~启动您健康的钥匙~
2016年我们再一次创造奇迹,精益求精,突破性改革配方,结合最新富生氧Oxy-Act及富生源Oxy-Xan, 不需挨饿,没有时间限制,每一个人都可以随时随地,轻松排毒。
大漠用心多年,一步一脚印,都在开发最好的排毒产品。 全新的1+1>3 肝胆排毒,酝酿了多年,终于面世啦!
全新LiverPro2.0 特点:
1. 不需挨饿,不用断食
2. 随时随地,轻松排毒
3. 天然果汁,贴心口感